Dayak Iban is a winner Arthur Guinness Fund – British Council Community Entrepreneurs Challenge Wave IV. The Dayak Iban people are known for their skill and ability in producing traditional woven cloths of a unique, distinctive character with a wide range of designs. However, many problems are currently being faced in preserving this cultural tradition. The activity of weaving is done mainly by older women, while many of the younger generation are moving and studying outside the villages. There is a lack of learning facilities for knowledge transfer, as well as difficulty in obtaining yarn and other raw materials for weaving. Recognizing the importance of the art of weaving as a precious cultural heritage, and the threat of its extinction, Fifiyati saw the need and took the initiative to build an entrepreneurial culture to revive traditional Dayak weaving. In addition, by creating wearable products that can be promoted through exhibitions both locally and nationally, the Dayak woven cloths can again become well known.